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Other names of Creator of the Earth are.. (Okike ihe niine/Creator of all creatures),(Chukwu Okike/God Creator) Creator of the Earth alone Exist on it's own, it has no beginning or End that created all creatures on Earth and outside the Earth.when one says God or Chukwu without making a point of whom u called ur God or Chukwu is pointless. Creator of Earth is my God (Chukwu). creator of the Earth Created u and the spirit in u all and only knows where ur spirit is going after Death. we all seen as children of Creator of The Earth if you believe in them because of the spirit they created in humans and also with the love of making humanity a special race over all creativities for human sake. stop praises and worshipping of any altar except the altar of Creator of the whom believed and praises Creator of the Earth is above everything. what is that u are scared of or is hard for you to do,is just because you haven't honored the beginner and End of all creatures.if u are scared of Satan or Jesus whom has been fighting them selves for no result and everything is getting from better to worse why can't u be scared of Creator of the Earth that created them all same as u and all the Dead whom all Powers belongs to that created all creatures both fisically and spiritually . reality creator of the Earth has no biological son or daughter, all are it's creatures but out of the love for creator of the Earth Created humans in its own image and the spirit in humans now serves as it's little babys from the first male and female humans it created on Earth and in other planets as well. Creator of the Earth exist alone in the beginning before anything that created everything

my name is (chiwosky Fud Man/Mitchel chikwuwenitem nwizu) one whom believed in Creator of the Earth believed in them selves. cuz you are above everything and all creatures cuz you believed in their creator.the glory of Creator of the Earth in u will manifest. don't be deceived every worshipping that is not worshipping of Creator of the Earth ur Creator and life giver is an ideal. u urself is above everything that is said to be worshiped their if u believe their creator (Creator of the Earth)ur Creator.all creator of the Earth required from u all as their creatures is only praises and thanksgiving, when you praises its name it proves u knows them .u can praises creator of the Earth anywhere and everywhere u fill like. their are things beyond u and above u but bring them to reality and deal with them all.

Why we all should believe in Creator of the Earth alone. in the beginning theirs nothing before creator of the Earth Created everything on Earth and outside the Earth Creator of the Earth is the creator of all creatures and alone deserves the honor and praises of all their creatures.have u ever imagined of Creator of The Earth and all planets ur Creator would look like? u dear not praises and worship any spirit of Death, only those that own ur praises and honor are only Creator of the Earth that gave you the life u live, created the water u drink air u breath and the food u eat that grows and all the naturalities that covers u all. creator of the Earth that created life and Death has power over everything, all talents and destinies are from creator of the Earth. believe me without the grace of Creator of the Earth nothing Exists on Earth

Lady with a long dick

There are so many things that your eyes have not seen yet. I know that this is one of those things…

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